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17th World Congress Gynecological Endocrinology, 2-5 March 2016, Florence

During the 17th World Congress Gynecological Endocrinology (2-5 March 2016) in Florence, Italy:
Session of ICMC: Friday 4 March 2016 room VERDE, 08:30 → 09:30
Chairperson/s: Gemzell Danielsson Kristina (SE), Serfaty David (FR)

  • Serfaty David (FR) Male involvement in contraceptive use and support of
    women’s reproductive health
  • Sitruk-Ware Regine (US) International approach to Research on Hormonal and
    non-hormonal male contraception
  • AMY Jean-Jacques (BE) The condom, inside out

Details see: isge2016.isgesociety.com


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